Rizza - Fashion and Shoes Store Prestashop Theme

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Created: Jun 27, 2022

Updated: Jun 27, 2022

ID: 255417

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Rizza - Fashion and Shoes Store Prestashop Theme - Features Image 1Rizza - Fashion and Shoes Store Prestashop Theme - Features Image 2Rizza - Fashion and Shoes Store Prestashop Theme - Features Image 3

Want a mobile-friendly PrestaShop template with all the strong features and compelling look? Try out Rizza right now! Rizza is created with the users in mind with smart content positioning, intuitive navigation, and the highest loading page speed. The strong admin panel of this theme holds the customization option for the entire theme that will help you customize the store layout and update the content. Rizza has the advanced search option, multiple categories, and filter options so that site users can reach their required products with ease.

0 Reviews for this product

1 Comments for this product

I bought this item. Everything is perfect but I have an issue. The issue is that, only three(3) subcategory show under top main menu. I have more than 3 subcategory under every category. And in the Nav main menu, all the category are showing perfectly but in the case of subcategory, only 3 subcategory are showing under every category. I want to show all the subcategory. How can I do that?

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4.5 /5
Support rating (161 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 135 4 4 3 1 2 4 1 17
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
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